Artists Interviewing Artists
Presented by Chris Moyles
Artists Interviewing Artists – A Podcast series created by Starlight Reunion featuring artists and creators in dialog with other artists and creators. That artist then interviews another artist that inspires them and the story continues. If you would like to interview an artist that inspires you, give us a shout at and we can help facilitate that experience.
EPISODE 2: Project Anima
“Looking down, looking up, looking over….”
Project Anima – the duo of Molly Huffman and Brenden Hierro, make projected collage multimedia that combines organic imagery and modern image manipulation techniques.
EPISODE 1: Attic Cowboy
Mary Kate Mathy, aka Attic Cowboy, is a multimedia artist who intertwines shamanistic iconography and imagery in ink and watercolors with poetry and prose. She describes it as:
“A collection of storytelling and visual representations of storytelling…that describe the everyday rituals of life and the existential…maybe?…crisis…that we have everyday…I don’t know, I wouldn’t call them crises, but definitely…the inner dialogue…I try to put it into a series of paintings and books…that people can relate to in their experiences, that we are all kind f quite similar although we live different lives…”
Find more images on Instagram and support this artist on Etsy. Links Below.
Interview by Chris Moyles AKA Ghost Tribe AKA CMo